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The Ghastly Pumpkin
Film Festival

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Hello filmmakers and horror fans alike! My name is Sir Pumpkin and I will be the host of this brand new and fun film festival created by horror fans! We are also based out in Cleveland, OH!


We wanted to make a film festival that is fair to all by having the majority of judges be people that have not made a film and are more viewers of horror films where judging won't be by favoritism of any kind or who knows who as an indie filmmaker. 


The lead judge of course will be me, Sir Pumpkin, an award winning indie horror filmmaker with over 150 films since 2017 who knows horror like the exposed brain in a zombie. 


More info in the about page about the fest and myself.

Ghastly Pumpkin Awards Fest proudly accepts entries on FilmFreeway, the world's #1 way to enter film festivals and creative contests.



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